Graduate Studies

Darryl Danelon conversing with studentsActing associate dean of engineering for professional programs Darryl Danelon speaks with some new Master of Engineering students at a Sept. 3 orientation session.

Session welcomes new Master of Engineering students

A new cohort of more than 200 Master of Engineering students has joined the campus community.
students in workshopThe Faculty of Graduate Studies will hold its annual orientation workshop for new GAs and TAs on Wednesday, Sept. 4.

Workshop to orient new graduate and teaching assistants

The Faculty of Graduate Studies will hold its annual orientation workshop for new GAs and TAs on Wednesday, Sept. 4.

Sanya SagarSanya Sagar’s study of the experiences of university students with Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is published in the inaugural issue inaugural issue of the Journal of Critical Race, Indigeneity, and Decolonization.

Study highlights disparities in support for racialized students with ADHD

A study suggests that racialized students with ADHD are less likely to receive support than their white peers.