Political Science

Border researcher takes message to Ottawa

A professor who specializes in cross-border transportation studies traveled to the nation’s capital last week to have the chance to meet with federal politicians and convince them of the importance of his research.

UWindsor professor appointed to board of Council of Canadian Academies

Lydia Miljan brings a valuable perspective to the board of governors of the Council of Canadian Academies, chair Elizabeth Parr-Johnston said in announcing her appointment.

Dr. Miljan is an associate professor of political science and chair of the UWindsor arts and science program.

“Her background in Canadian public policy will be an asset to our board as we work to ensure that the best science-based information is made available to policy and decision makers, and to all Canadians,” Parr-Johnston said.

Speaker to address nature of female sports fans

University of Michigan sociology professor Andrei Markovits will deliver a free public lecture entitled “Sportista: Female Fandom in the United States and Other Advanced Industrial Democracies” at noon Friday, February 1, in room 145, Human Kinetics Building.

Lecture to examine entrails of US elections

A free public lecture in the Department of Political Science distinguished speaker series Thursday will address the results of this month’s elections in the United States.

Doug Koopman, a political science professor at Calvin College in Grand Rapids, Michigan, will deliver his lecture “The Young and the Religious: New Findings from the 2012 Elections” at 7 p.m. Thursday, November 29, in room 203, Toldo Health Education Centre.

Presidential candidates not mixing religion and politics, visiting prof says

Mitt Romney and Barack Obama are deliberately avoiding discussing their religious backgrounds in the current U.S. presidential election campaign because they’re keenly aware of the collateral damage it would cause them both, according to a high-profile political scientist from the University of Notre Dame who will deliver a lecture here next week.