International Students

Donation to move leftover medical supplies to Third World operating rooms

A donation from members of the Campus Community Police Services will help stock some operating rooms in Third World countries.

CAW Local 195, which represents campus police and parking services officers, made a $300 contribution from its charity fund to help pay the costs of shipping a pallet of surgical supplies to healthcare providers in resource-poor areas of Africa and Asia.

Tree-trimming party gives overseas students a taste of Canada

A tree-trimming party Tuesday in the International Student Centre attracted dozens of participants representing countries around the world.

Aoi Ishimaru, an exchange student in art history from Tokyo’s International Christian University, said she wanted to experience a Canadian Christmas.

“I wanted to taste Canadian-style treats—cookies and apple cider,” she said. “It was very nice.”

Relationships at centre of exchange experience

The University of Windsor takes great pride in its student exchange program, and this couldn’t have been more evident during a farewell party held in Katzman Lounge on November 27.

The gathering included food, drinks, conversation among new friends, and some thoughtful words from coordinator Michelle Fitzgerald, and Clayton Smith, vice-provost, students and international.

“The exchange program doesn’t only changes the lives of the students; it changes the world,” Dr. Smith said.

Video portrays researcher's Arctic odyssey

A new video captures the often painstaking efforts of a UWindsor researcher working with federal government scientists in the Canadian Arctic trying to establish new commercial fisheries there.

Top moustache growing honours awarded at fund-raising luncheon

Dino Spagnuolo’s first ever attempt at growing a moustache turned out to be a winner.

A clerk in the Leddy Library’s media centre, Spagnuolo tied for top honours with Dave Smith, an analyst in the university’s planning and budgets department, in a campus moustache growing contest.

“It’s an honour to have been chosen as a co-winner from among all these great-looking guys,” Spagnuolo said yesterday after a lunch held at the University Club to pick the winners.

Student ideas to transform community being presented tomorrow

A group of extremely creative students will spend Wednesday afternoon speaking about turning big ideas into big improvements for their community.

Second and third-year students in the Ways of Doing: Practices of Civic Engagement class spent the semester working with local non-profit organizations and will present their plans on how to implement transformative new projects that will ultimately make Windsor-Essex a better place.

Program seeking holiday hosts for international students

There is no better way to promote peace than to reach out to citizens of other nations, says Enrique Chacon. That’s why the international student advisor gets excited about the Host for the Holidays program.

“It’s an opportunity for students from around the world to learn about Canadians, and for people here in Windsor to gain an understanding of other cultures as well,” he says.