International Students

Arturo HerraraArt student Arturo Herrara models the illuminated mask he'll be wearing in the Eco Nuit parade on October 5 in Toronto.

Windsor artists to light up the night in Toronto

A visual arts professor is looking for fellow enlightened artists, musicians, performers and high-energy art lovers to join her on a bus ride to Toronto to take part in an illuminating art parade this fall.

engineering studentsFrom left Mike Muzyka, Jim Caylor, Matthew Clairmont and Patrick Pakula stand behind the emergency vehicle detection system they designed for their fourth-year capstone project.

Student-designed system would warn drivers about emergency vehicles

A group of fourth-year engineering students designed a system to warn distracted drivers when an emergency vehicle is approaching.
Windsor chairsSculptor Laura Shintani (MFA 2012) invites the community to leave permanent fingerprints on “You + Me,” her artwork commemorating the 2013 International Children’s Games.

Sculpture project a chance to leave your mark on art

Sculptor Laura Shintani (MFA 2012) invites the community to leave permanent fingerprints on her artwork “You + Me.”
Betty Jo BarrettBetty Jo Barrett recently conducted a study of intimate partner violence rates in the LGBT community and found them highest among the bisexual population.

Alarming abuse rates among bisexual community, researcher finds

As Windsor gears up to celebrate its rainbow communities at this weekend’s Pride Fest, a social work researcher has some sobering thoughts about the rates of violence in the LGBT community, and especially among the bisexual population.

Kerry McPhedranKerry McPhedran stands beside a warning sign posted on a lifeguard stand at Sandpoint Beach. The post-doctoral fellow believes predictive modelling may be a better way to determine whether beaches should be closed to swimmers.

Predictive modelling may be better way to determine beach closures, researcher believes

Post-doctoral fellow Kerry McPhedran believes predictive modelling may be a better way to determine if beaches ought to be closed to bathers.
cold spray technology scientistsFrom left, research associates Dmitry Dzhurinskiy, Volf Leschynsky, IDIR associate director Emil Strumban, and technician Damir Ziganshin examine a bottle of the powder composition being used to coat repair welds at the top of the Hanna Street water tower.

Spray technology extends life of water tower

Scientists from the university's Institute for Diagnostic Imaging Research have used a powder composition with a cold spray process to coat and extend the life of repair welds at the top of the Hanna Street water tower.
Vernon SmithCJAM manager Vern Smith says holding the station's 30th anniversary on the same weekend as the university's 50th will be a great way to celebrate the station's contributions to campus culture.

CJAM marks anniversary with Contradance reunion

Contradance will headline the CJAM anniversary show on September 21 at the FM Lounge.