International Students

Justin Mychek-LonderJustin Mychek-Londer is shown here on the banks of the Detroit River. He's one of nine graduate students who received scholarships from the Ontario Trillium Foundation.

Protecting water resources aim of Trillium scholarship winner

Armed with a new scholarship, a graduate student in the university’s Great Lakes Institute for Environmental Research is trying to make the world a better place by protecting our water from invasive species.

New grants encourage more undergraduate research

Undergraduates at the University of Windsor will have even more opportunities to participate in research now that a new grant program designed to help faculty members encourage their involvement has been established.

The Vice-Provost of Teaching and Learning, the Office of Research Services, and the Centre for Teaching and Learning have teamed up to establish new Undergraduate Research Experience Grants.

Bill AndersonBill Anderson will join researchers from four other universities at an event in London to discuss some of the world's most pressing issues.

Connectivity matters now, border researcher says

Connectivity – that’s what matters now, according to Bill Anderson.

“Interconnectedness is the way the world is now,” says Dr. Anderson, chair of the university’s Cross Border Institute. “You don’t have the choice to opt out. Success depends on interconnections, and that goes for individuals, communities and corporations.”

Alan RichardsonAccounting professor Alan Richardson is the moderator for the Odette Research Review, a new blog which focuses on research generated by the Odette School of Business.

Odette launches new research blog

Anyone interested in all of the top quality research being generated by the Odette School of Business will want to bookmark a new blog.
Kathryn BrownThird-year criminology student Kathryn Brown is one of the peer facilitators delivering curriculum for the Bystander Initiative to Mitigate Sexual Violence.

Peers confront sexual violence through bystander training workshops

Growing up in the hyper-masculine atmosphere that goes along with male-dominated sports like travel hockey, Dylan Schentag heard his fair share of sexist locker room jokes and crude remarks about women.

Now a third-year psychology major, he’s doing his part to help change the channel and discourage a culture that objectifies women and ultimately leads to the trivialization of sexual assault.

Heidi JacobsInformation literacy librarian Heidi Jacobs believes it's time to reconsider what we're really trying to accomplish when we give out research assignments.

Time to reconsider research assignments, librarian suggests

Whether buying a car, voting, applying for a new job or gathering the latest medical information for a sick family member, a critical eye and the ability to effectively conduct good quality research are essentials.

That’s why we need to think more about how our students exist in the world when handing out research assignments, according to an information literacy librarian whose scholarly research focuses on students and research.