Electrical and Computer Engineering

engineering studentsFrom left Mike Muzyka, Jim Caylor, Matthew Clairmont and Patrick Pakula stand behind the emergency vehicle detection system they designed for their fourth-year capstone project.

Student-designed system would warn drivers about emergency vehicles

A group of fourth-year engineering students designed a system to warn distracted drivers when an emergency vehicle is approaching.
Mohammad Rahman, Paramvir Singh Nagpal, Qing Tang and Brendan Rhyno Fourth-year electrical and computer engineering students Mohammad Rahman, Paramvir Singh Nagpal, Qing Tang and Brendan Rhyno show off the indoor positioning system they have developed to aid wayfinding in large buildings.

Project proves the power of positioning

A capstone project to develop an indoor positioning system is one of 14 that students in electrical and computer engineering will present Friday.
Narayan KarHybrid-electric vehicle researcher Narayan Kar makes a point during his lecture Friday at a workshop on electric vehicle technology.

Nurturing love for electric cars offers opportunity for R&D investment

A tremendous amount of research is still required to make electric vehicles an economically viable option for most consumers, but that presents a rare opportunity for investors looking to establish themselves in the sector, according to an engineer who specializes in hybrid-electric powertrains.

Narayan Kar with orange PriusElectrical engineering professor Narayan Kar poses with the Toyota Prius hybrid electric vehicle he will display during a public event June 8.

Event to showcase electric vehicle technology

Electrical engineering professor Narayan Kar will be showing off the latest acquisition from his research lab at an event this Saturday.

Providing energy for developing world aim of local company

PhD student Anas Labak worked through an entire night assembling a new portable solar-powered digital LED lighting system for his industrial partners at a local manufacturing firm. The fact that he was able to see what he was doing for all that time – unlike the potential customers the system is aimed at – wasn’t lost on him, or his partner.

“There are two billion people in the world who don’t have any energy at all,” said Steve Pokrajac, president of Tesla Digital Lighting Systems.

First students enter Centre for Engineering Innovation

The promise of the Centre for Engineering Innovation definitely helped to convince Sarah Kwiatkowski to study at the University of Windsor. Now the promise is being fulfilled for the second-year electrical engineering major.

“I am so excited about having everything in one place—classes, labs, professors’ offices,” she says. “This building played a huge role in my decision to come here.”

Students use technology to help authenticate priceless art works

Editor's note: this is one of a series of articles about students who were involved in cool research, scholarly or creative activity this summer.

One of the most troubling dilemmas for collectors of fine art comes in discerning between genuine paintings and forgeries, but modern science is taking some of the guesswork out of the process. A pair of students recently spent two weeks at Cambridge University in England using state-of-the-art diagnostic imaging techniques to analyze rare pieces by some of the world’s best-known painters.

Open house puts engineering innovations on display

Michael Ala got a head start on his engineering career Wednesday.

A recent graduate of Central Public School heading to Massey Secondary this fall, he toured an open house displaying the capstone projects of fourth-year students in electrical and computer engineering—and came away impressed.

“I have always had an interest in this aspect of engineering,” he said. “Today was really educational and enjoyable.”