With the start of final examinations, Wellness at UWindsor aims to distribute stress-relieving kits to students in need.
The program will place 1,000 Wellness Bags in study areas across campus, says co-ordinator Ashley Vodarek.
“During exams, we are encouraging students to take a break and snag a Wellness Bag, where they will find exam stress relief inside,” she says.
The kits contain small snacks and distracting activities as well as study tips and information on local mental health resources. They are “hidden in plain sight” in 10 locations, with supplies restocked periodically starting today, Dec. 10.
“The idea is to provide a little pick-me-up to combat the pressures students feel during exam season,” Vodarek says.
A map detailing the Wellness bag locations is available on the uwindsor.ca/wellness website.