With system training kicking off on Monday, October 22, the UWinsite Student team has compiled a list of key concepts & terminology.
Self Service: uwindsor.ca/sis and myUWindsor.ca will be replaced with UWinsite Student Self Service. This new dashboard has a straightforward design that focuses on functionality and ease of use. Faculty, staff and students will use the same URL to access the system and will log in with their UWin IDs and Passwords. The URL for UWinsite Student Self Service will be shared closer to go live.
EMPLID: In UWinsite Student, “Student ID” will be called “EMPLID.” Chances are, however, that as a campus community we will continue to talk about Student IDs.
New Term Display: In UWinsite Student, terms will be displayed as Millennium (1 digit) + Year (2 digits) + Month when term starts (1 digit). For example, the current Fall 2018 semester will be displayed as 2189. Note: 1 is Winter Term (Jan-April); 5 is Inter/Summer Term (May-Aug) and 9 is Fall Term (Sept-Dec). Sessions – sets of special dates within a term such as Intersession and Summer Session – will continue to be supported in UWinsite Student.
Course Codes: Course codes will change with the implementation of UWinsite Student. For example, 01-32-112 (Music Theory I) will become MUSC 1120. The new course codes are agnostic to UWinsite Student; however, they are being delivered together. IT Services has developed a handy course code translator – www.uwindsor.ca/registrar/courses/translation - which converts an old course code into its new course code and vice versa.
Courses become Credits: With the introduction of UWinsite Student, UWindsor will start to use credits instead of courses. So now, rather than having a 40-course degree, you will have a 120-credit degree. Within UWinsite Student Self Service, credits are referred to as units.
Name Types:
- Primary Name: Primary name is a student’s legal name and can only be changed with legal documentation.
- Preferred Name: Students can choose their preferred name and change it using UWinsite Student Self Service. Preferred name will be used on class rosters.
- Former Name: If a student changes their primary name, their former name is the name prior to the change. Again, a primary name can only be changed with legal documentation.
Student Career Structure:
- Academic Career: is used to separate ‘streams’ of academic work from one another. There will be four academic career types in UWinsite Student: Undergraduate, Graduate, Law and Education.
- Academic Program: is the general unit of study for which a student may receive a credential for a program. For example, an Honours Bachelor of Science.
- Academic Plan: is equivalent to our current majors and minors. For example, an Honours Bachelor of Science in Chemistry. Certificates will also be developed using the academic plan.
- Academic Sub-Plan: is used to track options specific to an academic plan such as co-op or thesis.
Email any questions to uwinsite@uwindsor.ca.