Supporting the Annual Giving Program sends an important message, says nursing professor Deb Dayus, a volunteer canvasser for the faculty, staff, and retiree fundraising campaign.
“It shows everyone that we are passionate and proud of our University,” she says. “These gifts enhance the overall student experience and ensure that our current and future students have the added resources to help them succeed.”
Dr. Dayus has been a member of faculty for more than 30 years, and earned her undergraduate and master’s degrees in nursing at the University of Windsor (BScN 1979, MScN 1997). She says that donating to the University is a way to “give back” to an institution that has fostered her career.
“It’s our chance to make a financial investment in the place we work,” she says.
She adds that she sees up close the impact of her contributions.
“Those extra monies that have been generated has enabled nursing to grow,” says Dayus. “Our clinical learning centre gets equipment coming through the door due to these donations.”
It’s a message echoed by Sydney Murray. A relatively recent UWindsor alumna (BA history 2015), she co-ordinates the Ignite, peer advising, and volunteer internship programs in Career Development and Experiential Learning.
“Whether it’s students accessing a service or a new building going up, you can see where your money is going,” she says. “You know you’re making a difference at the end of the day.”
Murray recalls that she benefited directly from donor generosity, as a scholarship recipient herself.
“I am a perfect example of how support can make a difference,” she says.
Calling herself a big supporter of education and student success, Murray points out that students are the first priority for all UWindsor staff and faculty.
“If you’re working here, you care,” she says. “I am so proud to be involved in philanthropy even though I am just starting out. And with payroll deduction, the Annual Giving Program makes it so easy and convenient.”
Mitchell Nascimento (BSc 2015, MSc 2018) says the support he received as a student allowed him to work in a lab when he would otherwise have been working a part-time job to pay tuition. The experience he got as an Outstanding Scholar helped him to qualify for awards during his undergraduate and graduate studies.
“UWindsor has afforded me so many amazing opportunities, and it’s all connected to the giving program,” says Nascimento. “Financial support really does equal giving opportunities to students.”
And third-year mechanical engineering major Jessica Chesu says she enjoyed calling potential donors during the annual alumni phone-a-thon.
“It’s more about building relationships with our grads,” she says. “You feel part of something to develop the University.”
Annual Giving Program co-ordinator Nicole Broderick says UWindsor employees across campus have received pledge cards. To learn more about how you may direct your gift to support the campus cause most dear to you, contact her at 519-253-3000, ext. 4279, or Nicole.Broderick@uwindsor.ca.