The Colleges and Universities Retirees Association of Canada will confer awards on two past presidents of the Windsor University Retirees’ Association during its annual conference, May 25 in Ottawa.
John Meyer will receive the Contribution to CURAC Award in recognition of his years of service on the association’s national executive, including a term as president.
Datta Pillay is one of five recipients of the CURAC Tribute Award; a citation mentions his work as editor of the quarterly WURA newsletter since 1997, and his “tireless volunteerism,” including as chair of the campus campaign for the United Way.
“At the base of these accomplishments lies Dr. Pillay’s personal warmth and passion for the university community,” reads the citation. “While firmly advocating for the rights of retirees, his collaborative approach nevertheless expresses his gratitude for the full life that has been offered university faculty and librarians at the University of Windsor.”
Dr. Meyer’s citation details his work organizing the national association’s annual general meetings, as well as developing relationships with the Canadian Association of Retired Persons, the Canadian Association of University Teachers, and the Ontario Colleges Retirees Association.
“John’s experience and leadership … enabled him to advocate models of co-operation with the administration and the faculty association, where representation on decision-making bodies was crucial for pension and benefit protections,” it reads. “Innovation, advocacy, voluntarism, and leadership became part of his identity.”
David Palmer, the current president of the local association, extended “warm congratulations” to both honorees: “WURA scores with two from our association!”