When signing up for new online accounts, you might be a prime target for cyber threats.
Protect yourself by choosing strong, unique passwords for each account. Never re-use passwords across different platforms. Whenever possible, enable multifactor authentication — it may seem like an extra step, but it’s a critical layer of defense against hackers who want to access your private information.
For more details on keeping your passwords secure, visit Information Technology Services’ password care webpage.
Remember, cybersecurity is a shared responsibility. By following these practices, you not only safeguard your own online presence but also help protect the Lancer community. In early 2024, the University of Windsor implemented mandatory cybersecurity training for all faculty, staff, post doctoral fellows, adjunct professors, sessional instructors, and student employees. If you have not completed the mandatory training, do so by Oct. 31.
Stay alert and take control of your digital security.
Led by Information Technology Services, Cybersecurity Awareness Month efforts highlight electronic data safety issues relevant to the UWindsor community. Find helpful resources at uwindsor.ca/cybersecurity.