Week to make mental health issues top-of-mind

Mental health is everyone’s business, says Beth Oakley, director of the Educational Development Centre. That’s why she is hoping for campus-wide involvement in events early next semester meant to raise awareness of these issues.

Mental Health Awareness Week will run January 16 to 19, 2012. Organizers hope to provide education in four key areas: prevention, awareness, destigmatization and resource provision.

“We want to help the campus community understand that mental health impacts everyone here and that everyone has a role to play – to be aware, recognize symptoms and speak up when you see a need,” Oakley says.

Several UWindsor student services as well as the local chapter of the Canadian Mental Health Association, and the Bulimia Anorexia Nervosa Association have already signed on as partners and sponsors for the week’s events. Oakley invites other interested groups and individuals to contact her at oakleyb@uwindsor.ca before Friday, December 9.