club hitting golf ball with Lancer shield on itSupport Lancer women’s basketball by joining its annual alumni and family golf tournament on Sept. 30.

Golf tourney to support women’s basketball program

The Lancer Women’s Basketball Alumni and Family Golf Tournament will tee up competition and camaraderie Saturday, Sept. 30.

Proceeds will help the program and players reach their potential, covering the costs of exhibition games, student-athlete scholarships and travel expenses, assistant coaches, and more.

Shotgun format play will begin at 9 a.m. at Ambassador Golf Club. The fee of $175 includes a round of 18 holes, golf cart rental, player’s package, food and drinks. Find details and register through the event website.

As a special support for female athletes, the team is offering free registration for two female UWindsor employees or a foursome with at least one woman.

“We are glad to offer this unique opportunity for this year,” says head coach Chantal Vallée.

The offer is first-come, first-served. To inquire, email Vallée at