Campus to join Windsor-Essex celebration of kindness

You don’t need an excuse to be nice, but you’ll have one anyway this Friday, November 4: the WindsorEssex Community Foundation has designated it Random Act of Kindness Day.

Individuals and groups are encouraged to perform one simple act of kindness for someone else – neighbours, friends, co-workers, or someone they don’t even know – and hand them a card, inspiring them to do the same.

The effort has spread to campus, says Holly Ward, chief communications officer. She has arranged for the distribution of thousands of preprinted cards through the University of Windsor Students’ Alliance and at the CAW Student Centre information desk.

“The hope is to have participation across the University,” Ward says. “A Random Act of Kindness can be as simple as buying someone a coffee, paying for a stranger’s parking, or praising someone’s efforts. Let’s take a moment not only to recognize when someone does something nice for us, but to also do something nice in return.”

Lisa Kolody, chair of the Windsor-Essex Random Act of Kindness Committee, called an act of kindness “one of the most powerful and easily understood concepts in society.”

“Random Act of Kindness Day cultivates community by promoting interaction between our residents and allows them to celebrate our thoughtfulness and generosity.”

More ideas, resources and stories are available at