The 12 Days of Giving and Kindness challenge organized by the Workplace Wellness Committee helped to restock the Campus Food Pantry, says its co-ordinator Kathryn Jago.
The challenge ran Dec. 1 to 12 and called on UWindsor employees to collect non-perishable food, hygiene products, and warm clothing accessories for donation to the student food pantry, a service of the University of Windsor Students’ Alliance.
Jago expressed gratitude on its behalf: “This truly makes a difference and ensures we can help every student in need of a meal during the holiday season. It has made such an impact and helped the food pantry to continue reaching our goals.”
Oliga Tserakhava, talent retention co-ordinator with the Department of Human Resources, helped to administer the challenge, and said calls for pick up of donations continued well past its closing date.
“It was incredible to see how generous everyone was,” she said. “Departments and faculties were donating boxes and boxes of canned items, toiletries, winter accessories all through that week.”
A total of 16 teams took part, gathering more than 1,400 items; residents of Assumption Hall added $350 in cash.
Michelle Nevett of the Office of Research and Innovation Services said her team is determined to keep supporting the pantry year-round.
“As a result of this challenge, we gained a new understanding of how stretched the student food pantry has been for donations over the last year,” Nevett said. “We are grateful to have a dedicated team of people hosting a compassionate space for students in need, providing needed relief surrounding food security.”
To learn more about the food pantry, contact Jago at foodpantry@uwindsor.ca.
A random draw of participants resulted in prizes awarded to teams from the Law Library, who will receive a fitness package sponsored by the Athletics and Recreational Services, and sociology and criminology, who will enjoy a coffee break sponsored by Human Resources.