Poets Danielle LaFrance, Gustave Morin, and Anahita Jamali Rad will launch collections of their works at an event hosted by the Department of English and Creative Writing on Friday, Nov. 25, at the Chapter Two Brewing Company.
The event will feature a display of rare and used volumes of poetry from Juniper Books and treats provided by the publishers Talonbooks and New Star Books and is free and open to the public.
LaFrance’s fourth poetry project, #postdildo, thinks and writes through the limitlessness and limitations of sexuality, communication, and desire.
In Gongo Dodan, Morin illustrates how an amalgamation of a knowledge of the arts, applied to the art of writing artfully, comes to inhabit one word when pushed beyond its own inevitable plasticity: poetry.
Jamali Rad’s collection Still proposes an alternative to action, a way to be the wrench in the cogs of the machine, a way to jam the signal by refusing receptivity. The text-forward artist will also present during two events today — Tuesday, Nov. 22 — a reading from 2 to 2:45 p.m. and a talk entitled “The Subject of Negation” from 3 to 3:50 p.m., both in room 364, Dillon Hall.
Friday’s launch party begins at 7 p.m. at the Chapter Two Brewing Company, located at 2345 Edna Street, just off Walker Road south of Wyandotte Street.