A new series of seminars kicking off later this month will share the impact that Seeds4Hope grants have had on improvement of cancer care in Windsor-Essex.
The annual grant awards program, established by the Windsor Essex County Cancer Centre Foundation, provides funding for local-based new and innovative cancer research.
The Seeds4Hope Community Seminar Series will highlight how the projects have brought local scientists and physicians together in finding better ways to prevent, detect, diagnose, and treat cancer.
“Seeds4Hope is making a difference in the local cancer research culture,” said Michael Dufresne, Seeds4Hope administrator. “Manuscripts and conference proceedings are being published, new sources of ongoing funding are being obtained, new local, national, and international collaborations are being formed, and emerging opportunities for new cancer care research foci through better cancer research infrastructure are being developed.”
The first seminar will commence on October 29 at 6 p.m. at Willistead Manor with presentations from the three 2009 grant recipients. UWindsor professors Dora Cavallo-Medved, Lisa Porter, and Eleanor Maticka-Tyndale will discuss their research projects focused on breast cancer, and brachytherapy treatment and its effects on post-treatment sexuality and quality of life for women.
Organizers encourage members of the audience to ask questions, and a meet-and-greet session will follow the presentations with appetizers and refreshments. Admission is free, however space is limited. Register early at: http://donate.windsorcancerfoundation.org/S4H_seminar.
—by Darko Milenkovic