Feb 26th, 2021
The UWindsor payroll department advises that T4 and T2200S slips for the 2020 tax year have been processed and are available online on the myUWinfo employee portal.
Before users can view or print their tax slips, they must consent to accept their tax slips online.
“If you have not previously consented, your T4 tax slip has been mailed to your home address,” says Jessica Higgins, payroll manager. “However, you can still view and print them online if you wish.”
Instructions on the myUWinfo > my PAY section will help users through the process.
Note: finance has posted a memo to explain special items regarding the 2020 T4s: https://www.uwindsor.ca/finance/sites/uwindsor.ca.finance/files/special_items_memo_for_the_2020_t4s_.pdf.