My Student Support Program (MySSP) gives all University of Windsor students free access to 24/7 confidential mental health supports and services through the app or by phone at any time of day, from anywhere in the world.
“Access to services like MySSP allows us to provide a service to all of our students regardless of where they are studying from,” says Mohsan Beg, executive director of Student Health, Counselling, and Wellness Services. “It is also in direct alignment with UWindsor’s Student Mental Health Strategy.”
Offered by a partnership between the University of Windsor and the University of Windsor Students’ Alliance (UWSA), the program has seen a steady increase in use since launching campus-wide in November 2019.
Some 32 per cent of student users report they have reached out for support as a result of COVID-19, and approximately 66 per cent of all clinical sessions were supported outside of regular office hours and on weekends.
“With disruption to everyday life surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic, it is normal and common for students to be experiencing a change to their mental wellbeing,” says Dr. Beg. “As our students continue to study online, MySSP has proven itself to be a valuable resource that complements our existing services.”
Services are available in six languages and students have the ability to request counsellors based on matching requirements other than language or culture, such as by religious or gender identification. MySSP is also exploring ways to add more focused program supports for students, including Black students and members of the LGBTQ2+ community.
A “MySSP App Feature” video is available on the MySSP UWindsor landing page. Staff and faculty are encouraged to use this video to highlight the features of the app to students.
For more information on My Student Support Program, visit
MySSP is provided by keep.meSAFE.
—Sarah Hébert