Conference to promote personal and professional development for graduate and teaching assistants

A free professional development event for current and prospective graduate and teaching assistants, GATAcademy is back and changing with the times. This year, it will be held completely online as a week-long event from Aug. 31 to Sept. 4.

Workshops will feature material and activities for both new and experienced GAs and TAs that will help them improve their teaching and be more proficient in their role. Topics include using Blackboard Collaborate, being a GA/TA online, best practices in grading and feedback, and more.

GATAcademy is a project of the GATA Network, supported jointly by the Faculty of Graduate Studies and the Centre for Teaching and Learning. Timed for the beginning of every fall semester, GATAcademy is the largest event for this group to explore opportunities for personal and professional development. Register through the conference website.

For more information on this and other events co-ordinated by the GATA Network, visit

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