After-school programs help Windsor’s young people prepare for life, reducing their likelihood to engage in crime or drugs. The United Way funds programs that promote positive relationships, commitment to learning, decision-making, and conflict resolution skills.
A donation of just $7 a week allows a child to participate in an after-school program every day for a year. The charity’s programs also lead the way in providing healthy snacks for participants: whether the central activity is academic support, exercise and action, or arts and cultural enrichment.
“The United Way’s focus on positioning kids and families for success is geared at helping our youth reach their full potential,” says Datta Pillay, chair of the committee organizing support of the charity’s fundraising drive. “I cannot imagine anything more important to the future of our community.”
A ceremony Tuesday saw the United Way flag rise over Chrysler Hall Tower. UWindsor president Alan Wildeman says it acts as a reminder of the campaign’s importance to the campus community.
“There are many people in Windsor and Essex County who have needs,” Dr. Wildeman said. “Our University is a big part of addressing these community needs.”
The campus campaign has distributed an ePledge form to all UWindsor employees, making it easy to give online or through payroll deduction. Contributors have a chance to be entered into a raffle that offers a number of great prizes. Find out more on the campaign website.
If you did not receive the ePledge in your e-mail inbox, phone Christine Boakes at 519-253-3000, ext. 2135.
Members of the campus campaign for United Way pose before raising the charity’s flag, Tuesday outside Chrysler Hall Tower.