Members of the Windsor University Retirees Association are stepping up to help their fellows who may experience difficulties getting groceries and other necessities during the social distancing required to prevent the spread of COVID-19.
“We, the senior citizens, are told that we are the most vulnerable for the coronavirus, especially if we have other underlying health issues,” says association president Roger Lauzon.
He circulated a message to members last week letting them know that Carol Reader, wife of the former dean of engineering Graham Reader, offered to pick up groceries for them. She was joined by executive members Jake Soderlund, Jonathan Bayley, and Richard Lewis in volunteering their services.
They are available for requests:
- Carol Reader, creader@uwindsor.ca, 519-739-6238, Tecumseh Lakeshore area
- Jake Soderlund, akajake@uwindsor.ca, 519-734-6532, LaSalle
- Richard Lewis, rlewis@uwindsor.ca, 519-962-1078, South Windsor
- Jonathan Bayley, jbayley@uwindsor.ca, 519-990-1758, downtown Windsor
“If you need help getting your groceries or other needs, please use this new WURA service,” Lauzon says. “We are thinking about you at this time.”
The association has suspended its meetings and other activities until further notice.