Instructors, staff, student ambassadors, and friends of the Faculty of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences gathered Thursday for an end-of-year reception.
Dean Marcello Guarini presented the Meritorious Service Award for full-time faculty to psychology professor Carlin Miller, and the Kathleen E. McCrone Teaching Award to political science professor Tom Najem.
Dr. Miller was honoured for significant contributions of time and service to the University and the Department of Psychology. She took responsibility for a review of the clinical neuropsychology program and led the formation of a clinic at the Psychological Services and Research Centre.
Dr. Najem won recognition for his leadership in innovative teaching and his commitment to the student learning experience. He is noted for creating courses that provide students with skills to engage the world as they venture out into careers.
Following the presentations, Bruce Kotowich and members of the School of Creative Arts’ UWindsor Chamber Choir entertained the gathering with holiday carols.
—Susan McKee