Changes to the provincial funding framework will have an impact not only on the UWindsor budget, but on the way each university engages with the Ontario government, president Alan Wildeman said in a message e-mailed to all employees Wednesday.
“The University of Windsor has no choice but to embrace the new provincial realities,” Dr. Wildeman wrote. “But they can also be a platform on which to gain far greater recognition, deservedly so, as a place that is distinctive, progressive, efficient, and making a true difference to lives of our students, to our region, and to the broader world with which we engage.”
In his e-mailed update, Wildeman also described the introduction of a differentiation system for Ontario universities and the implications for the University of Windsor and its operating budget.
Finally, he announced that in recognition of the University’s 50th anniversary year, the Christmas break will come a little earlier for staff and faculty. The last regular work day before the holidays had been scheduled as Monday, December 23, but will be moved to Friday, December 20.
Read the entire update on the presidential communications website.