Richard Lanspeary, an advisor in the Student Success Centre, won Monday’s DailyNews quiz contest and the prize of Back in the Day 1963-2013: The University of Windsor As We Knew It, a book of remembrances by UWindsor retirees.
Lanspeary’s entry was drawn from all those which correctly identified Howard McCurdy as a former occupant of the Biology Building, Ihor Stebelsky as someone who remembers the geography department, Sharon McMahon as a participant in 50 years of nursing education, Susan Gold Smith as a memoirist of the School of Visual Arts, Rosemary Cassano as an innovative social worker, John Meyer as joining the transition to the Faculty of Education, and Trevor Price as in on the founding of the political science department.
To help celebrate the University of Windsor’s 50th anniversary, DailyNews will run a contest at the beginning of each week, offering a prize donated by the University Boookstore. Today’s prize, a beautiful book of campus reminiscences published by Black Moss Press, is available for purchase from the University Bookstore at a cost of $25, all taxes included.