Teaching and Learning

rocket launchThe entry of the UWindsor Rocketry Team topped its goal of 10,000 feet in altitude with no damage on recovery at the Spaceport America Cup competition.

Rocketry team soars to new heights

The UWindsor Rocketry Team topped its goal of 10,000 feet in altitude with no damage on recovery at the Spaceport America Cup competition.

Recipients of the Roger Thibert Teaching Excellence Award past and presenRecipients of the Roger Thibert Teaching Excellence Award past and present include (back row from left) Jeremy Rawson, Steven Rehse, Isabelle Barrette-Ng, Martin Crozier; (middle row) Chitra Rangan, Tanya Noel, Oliver Love, Drew Marquardt; (front row) Tranum Kaur, Dora Cavallo-Medved, Dan Mennill.

Excellence as educator earns award for biology professor

Integrative biology’s Isabelle H. Barrette-Ng has been awarded the 2024 Faculty of Science Roger Thibert Teaching Excellence Award.
students in conversation outside Dillon HallApplications are open through July 31 for support from the Deans’ Council Fund for activities enriching the student experience.

Support available for activities enriching student experience

Applications are open through July 31 for support from the Deans’ Council Fund for activities enriching the student experience.