School of the Environment

Art alumnus honoured to be dinosaur’s namesake

A UWindsor art grad’s work as a paleontology laboratory technician has earned him a little piece of immortality.

Ian Morrison (BFA visual arts 1988) has had a newly-identified species of horned dinosaur named after him: Gryphoceratops morrisoni.

“He seemed like the most appropriate person to name it after,” says David Evans, associate curator of vertebrate paleontology at the Royal Ontario Museum, where Morrison has worked for more than 20 years. “What better person than the one who puzzled it together?”

New GLIER director hopes to unite campus environmental researchers

Over the next five years, Dan Heath hopes to unite the wide variety of researchers across campus studying environmental issues.

“I really want to expand the role of environmental research at the University of Windsor,” said Dr. Heath, a biology professor who takes over as the new director of the University’s Great Lakes Institute for Environmental Research in May.

Profs' moustaches raise more than $700 for prostate cancer research

While many men consider shaving something of a chore, Dave Andrews will be thoroughly enjoying it later this week.

After spending the entire month of “Movember” growing a moustache to help raise funds for prostate cancer research, the Human Kinetics professor will be cheerfully cutting off the cookie duster as soon as he possibly can.

“It’s a lot of work,” he said. “You have to maintain it.”

Wednesday discussion to broach the final frontier

Many of the lessons learned from humans living in outer space are relevant to our lives back on earth, say members of a panel discussing “Living in Space: Reaching the Final Frontier,” on Wednesday at Canada South Science City.

UWindsor professors Bill Baylis of physics and Phil McCausland of earth and environmental sciences will join Windsor astronomer Randy Groundwater in a free public presentation at 7:30 p.m. November 16 as part of the Science Café series, sponsored by the University’s Faculty of Science.

Student researcher learns virtue of patience during Arctic field work

Dave Yurkowski learned a great deal about Arctic ecology during his two week journey to the Canadian north this summer to study how climate change affects the behaviour of ringed seals. He also learned a lot about what’s commonly referred to as one of life’s most important virtues.

“You do have to be really patient,” the master’s student said of the time he had spend waiting for a seal to be caught in the nets he helped set. “You can be sitting there for hours. But that’s just part of field work. Once the seal gets caught in the net – that’s when the action starts.”