Current Students

Barbara Zielinski, professor of biological sciences and the Great Lakes Institute for Environmental Studies, will discuss sea lampreys' behaviour in the Great Lakes at a Science Café public lecturBarbara Zielinski, professor of biological sciences and the Great Lakes Institute for Environmental Studies, will discuss sea lampreys' behaviour in the Great Lakes at a Science Café public lectur

Impact of invasive species in the Great Lakes subject of public lecture

A Science Café public lecture to discuss sea lamprey’s behavior and its devastating impact on fisheries in the Great Lakes, June 17. 

Faculty of Law Dean Camille Cameron has accepted a position as Dean of Dalhousie University’s Schulich School of Law, beginning September 1, 2015.Faculty of Law Dean Camille Cameron has accepted a position as Dean of Dalhousie University’s Schulich School of Law, beginning September 1, 2015.

Windsor Law dean accepts position at Dalhousie

UWindsor President Alan Wildeman, and Provost Douglas Kneale announced that Faculty of Law Dean Camille Cameron will be leaving the University of Windsor this summer.

The young entrepreneurs Scott Nguyen (l.) and Jimmy Truong (r.) discussed an app they have created with Deputy Premier Deb Matthews (center), during her tour at the University’s business incubator, the Entrepreneurship Practice and Innovation Centre.The young entrepreneurs Scott Nguyen (l.) and Jimmy Truong (r.) discussed an app they have created with Deputy Premier Deb Matthews (center), during her tour at the University’s business incubator, the Entrepreneurship Practice and Innovation Centre.

Deputy Premier meets entrepreneurs during EPIC visit

Young entrepreneurs had a chance to showcase their business ideas for Deputy Premier Deb Matthews, during her visit to the Entrepreneurship Practice and Innovation Centre.

The Windsor Engineering team raced two vehicles at the Electric Vehicle Grand Prix, hosted by Purdue University at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway, taking both fourth and ninth places. The Windsor Engineering team raced two vehicles at the Electric Vehicle Grand Prix, hosted by Purdue University at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway, taking both fourth and ninth places.

Engineering team races to the top in electric vehicle design competition

UWindsor Engineering team punched above its weight to take both fourth and ninth places in the Electric Vehicle Grand Prix.