Mechanical, Automotive & Materials Engineering

Hamed Kalami, Andre Khayat and Liza DiCeccoResearch conducted by mechanical engineering students Hamed Kalami, Andre Khayat and Liza DiCecco was highlighted at the12th International Federation of Automatic Control Workshop on Intelligent Manufacturing Systems on December 5 to 7 in Austin, Texas. Kalami and Khayat received the Young Researcher Award for their work on a 3D printable hand brace that can assist people with connective tissue disorders.

Mechanical engineering students receive international research award

Windsor engineering students won international recognition for design of a 3D printable hand brace to assist people with connective tissue disorders.

Premier Kathleen Wynne shakes hands with UWindsor president Alan Wildeman.Premier Kathleen Wynne shakes hands with UWindsor president Alan Wildeman after speaking at a funding announcement at the University of Windsor - FiatChrysler Canada Automotive Research and Development Centre. The event also celebrated the 20-year partnership between UWindsor and Fiat Chrysler Automobiles Canada.

Ontario provides millions to boost UWindsor-FCA automotive research

A provincial pledge of nearly $17 million will support research and development at Windsor’s Automotive Research and Development Centre.

A team of UWindsor mechanical and electrical engineering students competed in the Electric Vehicle Grand Prix, last month in Indianapolis.A team of UWindsor mechanical and electrical engineering students competed in the Electric Vehicle Grand Prix, last month in Indianapolis.

Engineering students celebrating grand prix appearance

A team of UWindsor mechanical and electrical engineering students competed in the Electric Vehicle Grand Prix, last month in Indianapolis.

staff of AUTO21The staff of AUTO21 marked its sunset Thursday (from left): director of operations Sandra Bortolotti, scientific director and CEO Peter Frise, former director of external relations Stephanie Campeau, executive assistant Jan Stewart, and manager finance and administration Mary Anne Henderson. Absent: Raed Kadri, Kristie Pearce and Tina Hague.

Automotive research network produced results for industry and for Canadians

A reception Thursday celebrated the 15-year run of the AUTO21 Network of Centres of Excellence.