Mechanical, Automotive & Materials Engineering

Abdul Abdul, Jonathan Byensi, Damir Ferhatovic, Ankit Bhat, and Shreya PatkiSix engineering students will spend the summer in the United Kingdom improving their research skills in water treatment and renewable energy technologies: Abdul Abdul, Jonathan Byensi, Damir Ferhatovic, Ankit Bhat, and Shreya Patki (not pictured: Laura George).

Students to hone engineering skills during three-month stints in U.K.

Six engineering students will spend the summer in the U.K. improving their research skills in water treatment and renewable energy technologies.

UWindsor environmental engineering MASc students Rania Toufeili and Chrissy Ure show off their iron rings after graduation. Both were offered scholarships by the Ontario Society of Professional Engineers.UWindsor environmental engineering MASc students Rania Toufeili and Chrissy Ure show off their iron rings after graduation. Both were offered scholarships by the Ontario Society of Professional Engineers.

UWindsor engineering students claim three of four province-wide scholarships

University of Windsor engineering students clinched three of four scholarships offered province-wide by the Ontario Society of Professional Engineers.

In partnership with The Personal Insurance Company, the society annually awards two undergraduate and two graduate students enrolled in engineering programs across Ontario.

The 2018 Perspective Magazine features automotive research from the University of Windsor's Faculty of Engineering.The 2018 Perspective Magazine features automotive research from the University of Windsor's Faculty of Engineering.

Windsor automotive research featured in Perspective magazine

The University of Windsor’s research into automotive innovation was recently featured in a magazine that will be read across Canada.

The work of professors Daniel Green, Narayan Kar, Colin Novak, Kemal Tepe, and Ming Zheng is highlighted in Perspective, a magazine published by the Windsor Essex Economic Development Corporation and distributed through the Globe and Mail.

To read the article, visit the Perspective website.

Takayo Nagasawa, Colin NovakJournalist Takayo Nagasawa of Japan’s national public broadcaster NHK interviews engineering professor Colin Novak about the infamous Windsor Hum.

Hum generating buzz on the other side of the world

Engineering professor Colin Novak will be featured in a Japanese science show for his investigation into the source of the infamous Windsor Hum.

Dr. Colin Novak's research into the Windsor Hum will be featured on the Japanese public television show Cosmic Front Next. The crew will be filming on campus on April 16, 2018.Dr. Colin Novak's research into the Windsor Hum will be featured on the Japanese public television show Cosmic Front Next. The crew will be filming on campus on April 16, 2018.

UWindsor prof to be featured on Japanese science show

Colin Novak is big in Japan.

And if the associate professor of mechanical, materials and automotive engineering isn’t yet, he will be soon.

A camera crew from Japan’s national public broadcaster NHK will be at the University of Windsor on April 16 to report on Dr. Novak’s investigation into the source of the infamous Windsor Hum.

Novak’s Noise Vibration and Harshness-Sound Quality Group set up low-frequency noise monitoring stations across the city’s west end to record noise within the hum’s frequency range.

M. Eng student Neel Nitinkumar Shah describes his co-op experience at Windsor Mold Group during a poster presentation on Friday, Nov. 17, 2017M. Eng student Neel Nitinkumar Shah describes his co-op experience at Windsor Mold Group during a poster presentation on Friday, Nov. 17, 2017

M.Eng students share co-op experience

A co-op placement provided more than practical work experience for Bhavesh Lakhankiya.

Not only did the master of engineering student gain invaluable experience working at Diageo Canada Inc. in Amherstburg, Ont., but Lakhankiya also said he learned something that can’t be taught in the classroom.

“As an international student, this was my first opportunity to work within the Canadian work culture,” Lakhankiya said, who grew up in India.