Human Kinetics

Lunchtime lecture to consider fairness of sport sex tests

Cassandra Wells, a doctoral candidate in kinesiology at the University of British Columbia, will deliver a free public lecture entitled “When Science met Justice: On the Ethics of Gendered Eligibility Policies in Sport” at noon Friday, October 21.

Post-doctoral fellow Xiaoxu Ji and Kinesiology professor Joel CortKinesiology professor Joel Cort (right) and post-doctoral fellow Xiaoxu Ji will use motion capture technology to analyze ergonomic conditions on auto assembly lines.

Motion capture tech used to improve factory ergonomics

A UWindsor kinesiology professor will use motion capture technology to analyze ergonomic conditions on auto assembly lines.


Lecture to explore trauma-informed approaches in kinesiology

The co-author of a book on adult survivors of childhood sexual abuse will discuss a trauma-informed approach to kinesiology in a free public lecture September 30 in the Human Kinetics Building.

Candice Schachter, an adjunct professor at the University of Saskatchewan’s School of Physical Therapy, volunteered for the Sexual Assault Crisis Ventre while studying for her MHK in Windsor.

Mike Havey, Garry Moore, Moussa Hamadani, Amin Safaei, Eric Vandenbroucke, Sandra OndrackaAthletic director Mike Havey, grounds supervisor Garry Moore, UWSA president Moussa Hamadani, GSS president Amin Safaei, associate athletic director Eric Vandenbroucke, and Campus Recreation coordinator Sandra Ondracka celebrate the installation of a temporary cricket pitch on the Lancers upper field.

Athletics makes pitch for cricketers

The Department of Athletics and Recreation Services is pleased with the installation of a temporary cricket pitch on the south campus.