
Mehrdad SaifThe Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers has bestowed the title of fellow on professor Mehrdad Saif.

Engineering professor named IEEE Fellow

The Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers has bestowed the title of fellow on professor Mehrdad Saif.
Engineering professor Arezoo Emadi in labEngineering professor Arezoo Emadi has received a federal Discovery grant to fund her research project “A new approach in extending the boundaries of autonomous early detection using a novel micromachined resonator.”

Federal funding fuels exploration at the frontiers of discovery

Fourteen UWindsor researchers ireceived nearly $2.5 million in 2023 Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada Discovery grants.
Peter Frise speaking to classPeter Frise, associate dean of engineering for professional programs, welcomes new students to the Master of Engineering program.

Session orients Master of Engineering students

Faculty, staff, and students welcomed more than 400 Master of Engineering students to the University of Windsor at the fall orientation session.