Mechanical, Automotive & Materials Engineering

Peter FriseUWindsor professor Peter Frise helped write a report on the future of connected and automated vehicle technologies in Canada.

UWindsor lends automotive expertise to national study

UWindsor professor Peter Frise helped write a report on the future of connected and automated vehicle technologies in Canada.

nano-fibresLayers of nano-fibres can produce high-efficiency mask filters, says materials engineering professor Reza Riahl.

Nano-fibres seen as solution for face mask filters

Materials engineering prof Reza Riahi is working with local manufacturers to develop high-grade face masks using nano-fibres.

drawing of lungs infected with Novel CoronavirusHis design for a low-cost ventilator will improve health outcomes in Canada and around the world, says UWindsor engineering prof Jeff Dafoe.

Prof developing low-cost ventilator design

His design for a low-cost ventilator will improve health outcomes in Canada and around the world, says UWindsor engineering prof Jeff Dafoe.

Arash Khabazipur sits before a computer screen displaying a simulationArash Khabazipur, a doctoral candidate in UWindsor’s Faculty of Engineering, is using a computer algorithm to research reducing soot by diluting fuel with gases such as nitrogen and hydrogen. He is one of 107 students at UWindsor who recently received internship grants for their research.

Doctoral student researching soot to find cleaner-burning fuel

Engineering student Arash Khabazipur is using a computer algorithm to research reducing soot.

Researchers in UWindsor’s Centre for Hybrid Automotive Research and Green Energy work on a state-of-the-art EV electric motor test system.Researchers in UWindsor’s Centre for Hybrid Automotive Research and Green Energy work on a state-of-the-art EV electric motor test system that will be used to conduct next-gen electric vehicle research.

Investment by industry and NSERC to spur UWindsor research into electric vehicles

Funding for an industry-academia collaboration will drive innovation in electric vehicle technology.

Ofelia A. JianuProfessor Ofelia A. Jianu of the Alternative Fuels and Energy Laboratory believes Windsor is well positioned for sustainable production of hydrogen.

Professor touts hydrogen as fuel of the future

Professor Ofelia A. Jianu of the Alternative Fuels and Energy Laboratory believes Windsor is well positioned for sustainable production of hydrogen.