Integrative Biology

Ambassador Bridge with Canadian and U.S. flagsA $500,000 grant will fuel a project to research improvements in detecting potentially pandemic pathogens in the region of North America’s busiest border crossing.

Researchers working to learn from the COVID pandemic and prepare for emerging global pathogens

A $500,000 grant will fuel a project to research improvements in detecting potentially pandemic pathogens.
Kenneth NgBiochemistry professor Kenneth Ng is a member of a multidisciplinary group of UWindsor researchers partnering in an effort to enhance Canada’s preparedness for future pandemics.

University of Windsor partners in pandemic peparedness research hub

The University of Windsor is a major partner in a new federal research hub set to enhance Canada’s preparedness for future pandemics.
Ashley Watt stands in a streamAshley Watt stands in a stream with fast-flowing shallow riffles, a favoured mating site for redside dace. She has drawn on her graduate studies for a children’s book about the fish.

Fish story to inspire freshwater conservation

PhD student Ashley Watt has turned her academic research into child’s play in her storybook, Rory the Redside Dace.
Daniel Heath, Siyaram Pandey, Lisa Porter, and Christopher W. TindaleThe University of Windsor will confer the title of Distinguished University Professor this weekend on Daniel Heath, Siyaram Pandey, Lisa Porter, and Christopher W. Tindale.

Weekend ceremonies to recognize four distinguished faculty members

The University of Windsor will confer the title of Distinguished University Professor this weekend on Daniel Heath, Siyaram Pandey, Lisa Porter, and Christopher W. Tindale.