Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences

Casey PlettCasey Plett will discuss her essay “On Community” in the course “Windsor’s Literary Culture” on Thursday, Nov. 9.

Author to discuss implications of community

Casey Plett will discuss her essay “On Community” in the course “Windsor’s Literary Culture” on Thursday, Nov. 9.

Teajai TravisTeajai Travis, multicultural community storyteller for the City of Windsor, will discuss the art of collecting stories Tuesday.

Storyteller to share personal journey

Teajai Travis, multicultural community storyteller for the City of Windsor, will discuss the art of collecting stories Tuesday.

image from Unseen -- man with white cane gazing over urban sceneThe Department of Sociology and Criminology is sponsoring the screening of “Unseen” at the Windsor International Film Festival.

Documentary tells a story of migration

The Department of Sociology and Criminology is sponsoring the screening of “Unseen” at the Windsor International Film Festival.

still from Depraved MindUWindsor alumni who worked on the psychological thriller Depraved Mind include director Nick Shields and producer Mike Stasko. It will screen at the Windsor International Film Festival on Oct. 27.

Film fest to screen grads’ thriller

The psychological thriller Depraved Mind will screen at the Windsor International Film Festival on Oct. 27. Image provided by Suede Productions.

Vanessa Stauffer Poet, author, and editor Vanessa Stauffer will address the topic “Imported from South Detroit” on Thursday, Oct. 26.

Talk to explore local literary culture

Poet, author, and editor Vanessa Stauffer will address the topic “Imported from South Detroit” on Thursday, Oct. 26.
Domenica MediatiDomenica Mediati explores the beautiful and repulsive relationship between humans and nature in her exhibition Biophobia in the SoCA Gallery. Photo by Justin Elliott.

Exhibition explores relationship between humans and nature

Domenica Mediati explores the beautiful and repulsive relationship between humans and nature in her exhibition Biophobia.
Ueli KramerUeli Kramer will discuss “Emotional change as mechanism of change in brief treatments for borderline personality disorder” in a colloquium Thursday.

Treatment of borderline personality disorder subject of colloquium

Ueli Kramer will discuss “Emotional change as mechanism of change in brief treatments for borderline personality disorder” in a colloquium Thursday.
musician playing marimbaThe School of Creative Arts will hold an audition workshop for prospective music students during the University’s open house on Saturday, Oct. 28.

Workshop to help prospective music students prepare for audition

The School of Creative Arts will hold an audition workshop for prospective music students during the University’s open house on Saturday, Oct. 28.

poster image of vitals -- paramedic slumped in ambulanceA performance of Vitals, followed by a panel discussion featuring Essex-Windsor EMS workers, is open to the campus community Thursday.

Paramedic pressures subject of play

A performance of Vitals, followed by a panel discussion featuring Essex-Windsor EMS workers, is open to the campus community Thursday.

Grant MunroeLibrarian and author Grant Munroe will discuss his chapbook press with students and guests in the class “Windsor’s Literary Culture” on Thursday.

Publisher and author to discuss chapbook press

Librarian and author Grant Munroe will discuss his chapbook press with students and guests in the class “Windsor’s Literary Culture” on Thursday.