Julie Sando

Julie SandoJulie Sando types out On The Road for her exhibit called "Tapping Jack."

Visual artist reimagines Kerouac's "On The Road"

Beat generation writer Jack Kerouac often told the story about how after several years of mad travels across the United States, he wrote his classic novel On The Road in three weeks, typing continuously onto a 120-foot scroll of teletype paper that he cut to size and taped together.

Printmaking workshop takes art students across borders

Visual arts students who participated in a cross-border printmaking workshop Friday used the theme of international dialogue as a starting point for their works, says instructor Julie Sando. She took members of her class “Studio Practice and Ideas: Image” to Signal-Return, a recently-opened letterpress shop in Detroit’s Eastern Market, for the shop’s first international workshop.

Owner Ryan Schirmang said Friday’s snow closed many of his neighbouring shops, but didn’t deter the UWindsor group.

Reception to celebrate opening of art exhibit

A free public reception Thursday, February 7, will celebrate the opening of SPREAD, an exhibit by students of visual arts, curated by instructors Nadja Pelkey, Victor Romao and Julie Sando.

The show takes the form of a space displaying handmade and re-purposed artist’s books, zines, painting and sculptures, and an adjacent reading room where patrons may peruse some of the printed works.

It is in the LeBel Building’s SoVA Projects Gallery. Thursday’s reception runs from 6 to 8 p.m.

Curator to lead tour of AGW art exhibition

This year’s AGW Biennial has a great array of works, which curator Iain Baxter& says represent the new energized spirit of Windsor. A professor emeritus of visual arts, he will lead a tour of the exhibition at the Art Gallery of Windsor this Friday, October 14.

Baxter& is not the only participant with a UWindsor connection. Most of the more than 30 local artists showcased have studied or taught at the School of Visual Arts.