students with prototype Mars RoverEngineering students Rajan Singh, Soham Patel, and Meet Joshi pose with their entry in the Canadian International Rover Challenge, held in Drumheller, Alberta, Aug. 9 to 12.

Student team rockets to success in out-of-this-world competition

Competing in the Canadian International Rover Challenge was a defining moment for members of the UWindsor Mars Rover team, says mechanical engineering student Rajan Singh.

The competition pits teams against each other in a test of the skills in designing, building, and operating a vehicle in a simulation of tasks for an early colony on an extraterrestrial planet. The UWindsor team “Black Widow” drove to finish first in Ontario, second in Roverolymica, third in Canada and sixth among 26 teams in the international competition.

“We faced relentless challenges that tested not just our technical skills but our resilience as a team,” says Singh. “Our success is a testament to the unwavering support from our supervisors and sponsors, who empowered us to push beyond our limits. Achieving our goals as a first-year team at the University of Windsor makes this accomplishment even more special.”

His teammate Soham Patel adds appreciation for help from professors: “The guidance and support provided by the faculty were crucial for our success and our ability to overcome all the hurdles we faced.”

Dean Bill Van Heyst says the Faculty of Engineering is proud of what the 12-pereson team has been able to accomplish over the past eight months.

“Their achievement in the Rover Challenge is a testament to their dedication and their technical abilities,” he says.

And team member Meet Joshi concludes that other schools have been served notice: “We’ve successfully achieved our goal of establishing the University as a competitive force in the competition.”

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