student dons a glove wired to a computerStudents demonstrate a motion gesture glove, one of the cornerstone design projects by first-year engineering students displayed July 31.

Students display cornerstone design projects

First-year students of engineering filled the foyer of the Centre for Engineering Innovation on July 31, showcasing their group projects for the mandatory course in cornerstone design.

The class tasks students with designing, programming, and building a product — whether a motion gesture glove, irrigation system, or autonomous vehicle.

During the final showcase, teams competed for a total of $3,000 in prize money.

Claiming top honours were Ibraheem Abdallah, Marian Smoka, Michaela Tape, Gabriel Van Lammeren, and Will Washington for their carbon monoxide detector for the deaf.

Placing second were Zeliha Bayar, Fadel Fouani, and Sabira Siddika for their motion gesture glove.

Finishing third were Mohamed Al Lami, Bhargava Hebbar, and Jacob Rentola for their line tracking wheelchair.
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