Safety and Sustainability

Nicole Noel on bike next to fenced shelterCyclist Nicole Noel stands outside the fenced bike shelter adjacent to the parking garage. It is locked and accessible only by swiping a UwinCARD.

Shelter boosts bike security for campus cyclists

A locked bike shelter is open and dedicated to providing a secure haven for cyclists.

cartoon people using printerUpgrades to campus printers will offer a more efficient, environmentally sustainable, and user-friendly experience.

Project to upgrade campus printers

Upgrades to campus printers will offer a more efficient, environmentally sustainable, and user-friendly experience.

Call for Artists with photo of woodcockAn American woodcock suffered head trauma after flying into a second-floor window at the CAW Student Centre, the site of a mural project to prevent future such incidents.

Collisions prompt search for bird-safe murallists

Recent bird rescue operations have prompted a call for designs for a bird-safe mural at the CAW Student Centre.