students playing trumpet and saxophoneMusic alumni will have a chance to tour the downtown facilities available to today’s students during a reunion weekend, April 6 to 8.

Tuneful return planned for music alumni

A former director of the School of Music will return to Windsor for the Music Alumni Weekend, April 6 to 8.

Gillian MacKay, who was director of the school in 2004-05, taught trumpet and conducting and led the Wind Ensemble and Windsor Community Orchestra while at UWindsor. She will lead a conducting workshop Saturday morning in the SoCA Armouries, drawing on her study of mime and acting technique to encourage physical expressivity and a nuanced gestural range.

Other events in the weekend include:

  • the Jazz Ensemble Concert and Cabaret, Friday at 8 p.m. at the Water’s Edge Event Centre;
  • an alumni tour of the new downtown campus of the School of Creative Arts at 3 p.m. Saturday;
  • an Alumni Recital featuring a brass group, a choir, a percussion group, and more at 7:30 p.m. Saturday in the Performance Hall; and
  • the Wind Ensemble Concert at 2:30 p.m. Sunday at the Capitol Theatre.

Get details on these and more activities on the reunion website.