Lori BlondeauIndigenous artist Lori Blondeau will explore images of the Indian Princess and the Squaw in a public lecture Wednesday in the LeBel Building.

Indigenous artist to discuss performance practice

Artist Lori Blondeau will discuss her creative work in performance, installation, and photography in a free public presentation hosted by the School of Creative Arts on Wednesday, November 8.

“My work explores the influence of popular media and culture on Indigenous self-identity, self-image, and self-definition,” says Blondeau, who is of Cree, Saulteaux, and Métis heritage. “I deconstruct the images of the Indian Princess and the Squaw and reconstruct an image of absurdity and insert these hybrids into the mainstream.”

She notes that museums and souvenir shops across North America sell products featuring these figures.

“These are testament to the general public’s idealized perception of beautiful Indigenous women as being exotic and hard to find — virtually non-existent,” Blondeau says.

Her lecture will begin at 4 p.m. in room 115, LeBel Building. Find more details on the event website.