
Don't be Fooled Trivia NightRegister for a live online trivia night to test your knowledge about cancer.

Trivia night to test myth-busting skills

Register for a live online trivia night to test your knowledge about cancer.

BCNSA vice-president Alyssa Arundine seated before computer screen displaying "Brain Awareness Week"Students from the behaviour, cognition, and neuroscience program — including BCNSA vice-president Alyssa Arundine — have developed learning modules for local Grade 5 classes during Brain Awareness Week.

Students join brain awareness campaign

UWindsor students have developed activities for local Grade 5 classes in observance of Brain Awareness Week.

Western University psychology professor David DozoisWestern University psychology professor David Dozois will discuss “The Structure of Interpersonal Schemas in Depression” in a March 11 colloquium.

Interpersonal schemas in depression subject of Thursday colloquium

Western University psychology professor David Dozois will discuss “The Structure of Interpersonal Schemas in Depression” in a March 11 colloquium.