Creative Arts

Xylophonist Brandon Lefrancois and marimbist Chris ChamberlainXylophonist Brandon Lefrancois and marimbist Chris Chamberlain share the 2015 Ianni Memorial Scholarship in Music Performance. Photo by Colin Sharpe.

Percussion duo takes the prize in performance

Percussionists Christopher Chamberlain (marimba) and Brandon Lefrancois (xylophone) are the 2015 recipients of the Ron W. Ianni Memorial Scholarship in Music Performance.

The two, both students of professor Nicholas Papador, joined forces to perform the rhythmic and intricate work Carousel before a full house at the Music Building on Sunday afternoon.

Nine musicians representing each instrument area competed for the scholarship after attaining top grades in the December performance juries. The $500 annual award is open only to full-time students enrolled in a music degree program. It was established by Mina Grossman-Ianni, who was on hand to enjoy the performances, and the School of Music in 2005 to honour the late president of the University of Windsor (1983-1996).

A panel of three jurors—Philip Adamson, Jonathan Bayley and Elspeth Maynard—assessed the finalists and announced the winner at the conclusion of the recital.

angelThe School of Creative Arts will present its Festival of Christmas choral concert Sunday.

Christmas comes early for contest victor

The School of Creative Arts will present its Festival of Christmas choral concert Sunday.

Charlie Brown ChristmasThe University Singers and Chamber Choir will perform holiday choral music Sunday for the Festival of Christmas (not exactly as illustrated).

Contest offers entry to Christmas choral concert

Win today’s trivia contest and receive two tickets to Sunday’s Festival of Christmas concert.

The University Singers and Chamber Choir will join in the Festival of Christmas, Sunday, November 30.The University Singers and Chamber Choir will join in the Festival of Christmas, Sunday, November 30.

Choral concert to usher in sounds of the season

The University Singers and Chamber Choir will join in the Festival of Christmas, Sunday, November 30.