Creative Arts

“If Music be the Food of Love” graphicThe Windsor Classic Chorale presents “If Music be the Food of Love,” an evening of romantic choral music, Saturday, February 10.

Chorale cooking up delicious Valentine concert

The Windsor Classic Chorale presents “If Music be the Food of Love,” an evening of romantic choral music, Saturday, February 10.

Close-up image of tubaTubamania! will feature a wide range of repertoire for the instrument, Friday in the SoCA Freedom Way Building.

Tuba recital promises brassy bass

Tubist Travis Scott will perform a varied repertoire during the Tubamania! recital Friday, February 16.

rendering of urban spacePrincipals with the urban design studio Public Work will give a free public lecture Wednesday sponsored by Visual Arts and the Built Environment.

Architectural principals to discuss architectural principles

Principals with the urban design studio Public Work will give a free public lecture Wednesday sponsored by Visual Arts and the Built Environment.

bowl of popcornIndustry professional Tasso Lakas will share his experience in the field of film and television production in a free public presentation Wednesday.

Industry professional to share knowledge of film production

Gain valuable knowledge in the field of film production during a presentation on campus Wednesday.