Creative Arts

Braunte PetricFilm student Braunte Petric is excited to see her work Defender among the 10 finalists in TVO’s Short Doc Contest.

Student documentary shortlisted for prize

Windsor Law professor Julie Macfarlane is the subject of “Defender,” a film by student Braunte Petric shortlisted in TVO’s Short Doc contest.

Iain Baxter&Professor emeritus Iain Baxter& will be invested as a companion of the Order of Canada at 10:30 a.m. Sept. 5.

Investment ceremony to be live-streamed

Professor emeritus Iain Baxter& will be invested as a companion of the Order of Canada today at 10:30 a.m. by Gov. Gen. Julie Payette.

Liesel DeppeFlutist Liesel Deppe of the School of Creative Arts will perform in three weekend concerts as part of the Windsor Symphony Orchestra Wind Quintet.

Wind quintet to perform free waterfront concerts

The Windsor Symphony Orchestra Wind Quintet will perform in free public concerts this weekend in three county venues.

Iain Baxter&Iain Baxter& issued graduates an artistic pat on the back during an address to Convocation in 2007. The arts professor emeritus has been appointed a Companion of the Order of Canada.

Arts professor emeritus promoted within Order of Canada

Arts professor emeritus Iain Baxter& has been appointed a Companion of the Order of Canada.

Daniel TurnerClassical guitarist Daniel Turner will join pianist Logan Adlam in a recital Friday by the recent UWindsor music grads.

Recent music alumni to perform in concert

Classical guitarist Daniel Turner will join pianist Logan Adlam in a recital June 21 by the recent UWindsor music grads.