
Student enrollees in the West Windsor poverty reduction program On Track to SuccessStudent enrollees in the West Windsor poverty reduction program On Track to Success pose during an event to announce its launch, Wednesday in the Odette Building.

Professor to gauge success of student support strategy

A UWindsor business professor will measure the impact of a program to provide vulnerable students with support to reach their educational potentials.

World Health Innovation Network issues report on first year

An inaugural report details activities of the World Health Innovation Network in its first year.

The network, based in the Odette School of Business, brokers partnerships to source, embed and scale innovations in health systems.

The report lists its activities as research demonstration projects, education and knowledge generation in three areas of focus:

Acting deans appointed to two faculties

The University of Windsor has appointed acting deans to oversee the Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences and the Odette School of Business.

Both appointments are for two-year terms: Marcello Guarini to Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences and Mitch Fields to the Odette School of Business

Christine WiedmanChristine Wiedman, an accounting professor at the University of Waterloo, will discuss her research into shareholder proposals to disclose corporate political spending in a public lecture Friday.

Study of shareholder activism focuses on disclosure of corporate political spending

A study of shareholder proposals to disclose corporate political spending is the subject of a lecture Friday in the Odette Building.