Chemistry & Biochemistry

Local charity donates $10,000 to cancer research project

Her brother Kevin survived cancer but was ultimately killed by side effects of its treatment, says Kate Couvillon. That’s why she welcomes research into alternatives to chemotherapy, like the work on dandelion root extract conducted in the lab of UWindsor professor Siyaram Pandey.

“I think it’s good that people reach out in support of efforts like this,” she said September 20, as the Pajama Angels made a $10,000 donation to the Kevin Couvillon Research Project.

Lift installation to mean some noise in law school

Although the installation of accessibility lifts in the Ron W. Ianni Law Building this summer will result in some construction noise, the loudest work will take place after hours, promise contractors.

The construction started July 18 and will affect the open areas on the building’s first and second floors, as well as room MG11. It will wrap up by the end of August. The loudest work will be restricted to the hours after 4:30 p.m.

Please contact project administrator Kevin Francis with any questions or concerns at 519-253-3000, ext 2077.

Involvement started early for President’s Medal winner

Before he even got to the University of Windsor, Michael-Anthony Ferrato was helping new students get oriented to campus. It was a habit he kept up through his undergraduate career.

That level of involvement helped to earn the chemistry graduate the 2012 President’s Medal, awarded each year to a graduating student who has made significant contributions to campus and community activities while maintaining a superior academic record.

Blood clotting subject of public lecture

If you prick us, we will bleed. The vast majority of us will then stop bleeding, thanks to a blood clot formed by an intricately balanced system of proteins, cells of the blood vessel wall, and cell fragments called platelets.