Jennifer Willet

Arturo HerraraArt student Arturo Herrara models the illuminated mask he'll be wearing in the Eco Nuit parade on October 5 in Toronto.

Windsor artists to light up the night in Toronto

A visual arts professor is looking for fellow enlightened artists, musicians, performers and high-energy art lovers to join her on a bus ride to Toronto to take part in an illuminating art parade this fall.

Video documents art and ecology parade

A video by UWindsor communications grad Christiaan Meyer documents the September 29 Art and Ecology Sidewalk Parade, a performance artwork by professor Jennifer Willet of the School for Arts and Creative Innovation.

“The project was intended to draw participants, audiences and community members into discussions about art and ecology in the Windsor area,” Dr. Willet says. “Local artists, scientists and species—microscopic organisms, invasive species, home-grown vegetables, household pests, etc.—were represented in this delightful re-telling of our local ecology.”

Weekend parade to offer different perspective on ecology

A University of Windsor professor hopes to combine arts and science in a performance Saturday that will draw the community into discussions about the local ecology.

During the Art and Ecology Sidewalk Parade, Saturday, September 29, “no one gets to be a viewer,” says Jennifer Willet.

“Everyone gets to be a participant.”

She will assign everyone in attendance a role, whether it’s making music or carrying a sign to represent an organism found in the local ecosystem.