Centre for Teaching and Learning

Centre for Teaching and Learning seeking learning specialist

The Centre for Teaching and Learning has issued an internal call for applications for the position of Permanence-Track Learning Specialist, Ancillary Academic Staff II, in the area of educational development, curriculum development, curriculum mapping, and learning analytics.

Subject to final budgetary approval, the position is to commence July 1. Find job responsibilities, qualifications, and application instructions in the online posting.

Douglas Kneale congratulates Veronika MogyorodyProvost Douglas Kneale congratulates Veronika Mogyorody of the School of Creative Arts, recipient of a 3M Teaching Fellowship. Dr. Mogyorody points to a monitor patching in her mother through Skype for the ceremony.

Excelling nationally and provincially: UWindsor celebrates teaching award winners

Hundreds gathered November 16 to honour award-winning UWindsor instructors at the Celebration of Teaching Excellence.