Equity and Inclusion

Clinton BeckfordThe Bulimia Anorexia Nervosa Association has conferred an award for community health promotion on Clinton Beckford, UWindsor vice-president, people, equity and inclusion.

V.P. honoured for work to promote community health

The Bulimia Anorexia Nervosa Association has conferred an award for community health promotion on Clinton Beckford.
Progressive Pride FlagThe Progressive Pride Flag will fly over Alumni Field in June and everyone is invited to watch it rise Monday, June 3.

Flag raising to usher in month of pride

The Progressive Pride Flag will fly over Alumni Field in June and everyone is invited to watch it rise Monday, June 3.

Kelvin Slaughter holds ginger ale and ketchup potato chipsFor his first trip to Canada, Kelvin Slaughter shows off a typical Canadian snack: ginger ale and ketchup potato chips, Friday during the African Diaspora Youth Conference.

Youth conference bridges way to future

The African Diaspora Youth Conference, May 9 to 11, opens doors for students who attend, says Larissa Turizeye.

A celebration of Asian HeritageA networking event May 16 in the Entrepreneurship Practice and Innovation Centre will celebrate the cultural heritage of Asian communities in Canada.

Networking event to showcase Asian-owned businesses

A networking event May 16 in the Entrepreneurship Practice and Innovation Centre will celebrate the cultural heritage of Asian communities in Canada.